Whole Food is complicated nowadays because many artificial substances are added in it. Foods that are either processed or refined as less as possible or not processed at all is a whole food. Food is kept unprocessed to keep it free from artificial ingredients. When food is refined, sugar, fats and salt are often added and essential nutrients like fibre are removed. It includes food like vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, seeds eggs etc. whole foods are simple and natural and contain artificial substances as little as possible which is beneficial for health. Unprocessed foods are honest, healthy and very good for you.
The process of eating whole foods is known as clean eating. Basically, this term refers to eating food that is closest to its natural state. Eating clean most of the time or when possible, can help you to stay healthy.
Whole foods diet:
When people start dieting, they follow a particular set of rules about what to eat, when to eat or how much should be eaten. A whole food diet is not a traditional diet. A whole-food diet is an overall approach to eating, designed to be a long-term sustainable plan. You can fill your plates with whole food as much as want but you just have to avoid processed food as much as you can.
Whole foods diet includes vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, lean meats like fish or chicken, milk, eggs and legumes. The main purpose behind this diet is that you intake unprocessed food as much as possible because it is a natural diet which is beneficial for health.
Eating clean food:
Now the question arises which food to eat when you are trying to eat clean. Following are some items that can be considered in clean eating:
Any fresh, canned, frozen, or dried fruits with no added sugar are clean diet. For example, apples, blueberries, grapes, bananas, watermelon and oranges etc. are included in whole food. 100% fruit juices are also clean diet.
Any fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables with no sauce or added salt are whole foods. Carrots, cauliflower, green beans, onion, avocados, cabbage, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, mushrooms etc. are the example of clean healthy food.
Grain foods:
The food made with whole grains are considered as clean whole foods. For instance, oats, air-popped popcorn, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta etc.
Lean meats:
Unprocessed meats including chicken, beef and items like eggs from grass-fed chicken, fish, plain nut butter with no sugar etc. are also clean diet.
Dairy products:
Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are also whole food.
Whole food eating for beginners:
You might be thinking that starting a whole-food diet is great idea but you don’t know how to take the initiative. We know that sudden life change is very difficult. Some people suddenly go for 100% whole food diet but that can’t work for everyone. We should start from less but should be consistent for it. For example, start from just skipping the processed food and gradually get into consuming the whole food or start eating clean like removing processed food and adding whole food in breakfast and after some time in lunch and then dinner. In this way, it will be easy to go for healthy clean eating.
You can change your eating routine easily if the change is enjoyable. Get some good recipes which include whole food and try them. You can also make over your favorite recipes but add natural food instead of processed food. Such changes make dramatic improve in nutritional composition of your diet. In this way, you can change your diet routine from processed food to clean and healthy food easily.
Benefits of eating whole foods:
In whole foods, there is higher amount of nutrients like fiber, vitamins and minerals than in processed food. When major part of diet is whole foods, it can lower the rates of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Whole foods do not have added sugar and it is beneficial because less sugar helps to control blood sugars and lower bad fats in the blood. Increase in sugar intake can result in increased risk of obesity, heart disease, fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes.
Decreasing sugar is also better for teeth because sugar intake can promote dental decay.
Eating clean can help in supporting good bacteria that live in your gut. Whole foods feed the good bacteria which can improve digestive health.
Eating a diet that is rich in nutrition, whole foods, can also help in reducing inflammation which is one of the major reason of heart disease.
Eating clean is also good for skin because it nourish and protect your skin. For example, avocados and dark chocolates have been considered to protect skin against sun damage.
By consuming sugar and refined carbs, triglyceride level in blood can increase so it is better to eat the whole foods.
Consuming whole food can help in weight management. Eating clean makes it easy to lose weight without counting calories.